
OUR PATIENTS: Khamvang (63), one to go

Mr. KHAMVANG is from Ban Naway, a small peaceful village in the province of Champasak in the South of Laos.
About 18 months ago he noticed, to his panic, that his eyesight was slowly getting cloudy. His work as carpenter would eventually become impossible to him. How would he be able to do his job properly again? How could he support his family? Close to despair, he heard a friend's son speak about Asian Eye Care for the first time. The son had heard about the important work by AEC, that had the previous year visited the Champasak Provincial Hospital in Pakse for the first time. Khamvang hardly dared to hope for recovery after an eye surgery. His gladness is hard to describe when he could see clearly again after the surgery. Although it is only one eye that sees again, he is fully confident that complete recovery will follow next year. Khamvang will be able to do his carpenting work properly again and pick up his normal life again.